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Writer's pictureMiranda

Drown yourself in water

Drown yourself in water!! Not really...but kind of. You want to make sure you're drinking plenty of water for numerous reasons. Drinking a lot of water helps you feel full and you won't want to eat idly. When I first started drinking water (I was told 8 bottles a day for me...this is a good website to calculate how much water you should drink I had a lot of trouble getting all the water down. I would drink coffee and cokes and forget about the water and chug it right before I went to bed and then I wouldn't sleep because I had to keep going to the bathroom. I started getting the hang of drinking it more throughout the day, but then the taste (or lack of) got to be and I would gag and choke to keep it down, so I started using the Crystal Light mix-ins. They were a lifesaver!! I usually water it down-so 1 pack will get me through 2 bottles of water! Let me know what your favorite kind is, or if you have any other ideas for tasty water!! (cucmber/lemon mix-ins)

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